16th day:

The morning is just as fabulous. We head off towards the island’s little village, walking past a beach of white sand that would not be out of place on a desert island, although the sea is somewhat chillier!

Nevertheless, some of the hardier participants can’t resist taking a short dip.

The distant sea glistens smoothly in the bright sunlight. It is cool for a while, then warm again. Birds flitter around us as we walk, then fly off into the distance. We wonder where they can build their nests. Fifty antlered heads watch us from afar. We gradually creep closer, being careful not to startle them, as they are warier than the reindeer on the mainland.

The villagers give us a warm welcome when we get to the school, above the minuscule old port. Although there are only 20 students the authorities ensure they have excellent facilities in order to encourage families to stay on this isolated island. We spend the evening sorting our photos in the school, which, as we are here during the school holidays, we are also allowed to use as our hotel.

beach of white sand


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